Together We Give | Client Emergency Funding

Be a Lifeline | One-time Emergency Assistance

Together We Give | Client Emergency Funding image


raised towards $48,000 goal


Days Left

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Be a Lifeline | One-time Emergency Assistance

This Giving Tuesday, Give the Gift of Support

Extend a supportive hand to individuals with disabilities on their journey toward independence.

At Developmental Services, Inc., our dedicated team works tirelessly to cater to the diverse needs of our clients with disabilities. Despite the therapeutic interventions, resources, and encouragement our team provides, there are instances where additional support is crucial.

While day-to-day supports and services remain paramount, individuals with disabilities may encounter unexpected financial obstacles that hinder their progress. Whether it's an essential mobility aid repair or an overdue housing expense, the strain of unanticipated bills can exacerbate mental health challenges and pose a barrier to accessing essential needs.

This is where our Client Emergency Fund becomes a lifeline. Stepping in when conventional avenues fall short, this fund offers one-time emergency assistance tailored to address the specific needs of the individuals we serve, facilitating their journey towards a happier and healthier life.

Your contribution today provides additional peace of mind for our clients tomorrow.